Мод для Windows XP.
Полностью трансформирует вашу XP - в Windows 7 с Aero.
Мод включает:
- Explorer.exe
- MyDocs.dll
- Shell32.dll
- themeui.dll
- Msgina.dll
- netshell.dll
- xpsp1res.dll
- xpsp2res.dll
- wscui
- wuaucpl
- sysdm and
- Replacer Utility
- ReadMe.
Windows 7 like desktop properties. (Latest)
Browse, apply & save themes like Windows 7.
Browse wallpaper and set desktop.
Themes & desktop background preview like 7.
Customized desktop icons.
Disk cleanup dialog like windows 7.
Windows 7 system properties.
Improve security center interface.
Windows 7 like copy, move & delete animation.
Latest windows 7 about dialog box.
...and many other features.
Размер: 10 Mb.
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